Sheep Niu Tofu Square 03(1/7)

Sheep Niu Tofu Square 03

Sheep Niu Tofu Square 03

22 pm,

Hot Pupu Casino,

A045, 25th Floor, Shuio Smart Self-service Motorcycle,

The moon shadow casts infinite silver threads through the doors and windows,

The shadows of a man and a woman gradually leaned against each other,

Can't tell if it's his or hers,

The two stared at each other deeply,

The unexpressed longing in my heart,

Unspeakable wisps of ripples rise,

thump-thump-thump-thumping heartbeat,

So clear in the still air,

The eyelashes on Yang Niu's eyes trembled gently in the night wind,

The apex of Chankado's heart also trembled as the flowers and plants swayed,

Silently, slowly approaching,

I only feel the quiet moonlight that sway


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