countdown love love 02(1/10)

countdown love love 02

countdown love love 02


18:00 pm,

Sheep rushes to playroom 5-2.

Saw silly girl boyfriend Jiang Shi in the game room 5-1.

Enter the game room 5-2.

Use voice commands to open the game bracelet program.

half an hour,

Yang Chong is in the virtual mixed reality space station,

Presented in front of the eyes is the intelligent assistant,

175 cm tall,

long hair shawl,

egg face,

The facial muscles are smooth and firm,

The two eyebrows that grow above the Meisi eyes are very thin and the eyebrows are very narrow,

Clear and shiny eyebrow lines,

Eyebrows open between eyes,

The long and narrow eyes are thinner and &


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