369958 Community Hospital(1/7)

369958 Community Hospital

369958 Community Hospital

14th Floor, Wuyingmou Department Store,

Spleen Beer Cut Wearable Products Counter,

The inside of the door of the 5-ping counter is on the ground on both sides,

Each has two potted man-eating tree potted plants rented by the men in black potted plant rental workshop.

On the left and right walls of the counter, there are landscape art paintings from the monthly rent of the Magic AI Art Painting Workshop.

Below the three walls is a half-person-height transparent wooden display case,

Inside the showcase stood two women,

On the left is Caiying,

Height 167 cm,

"artificially sculpted" round face,

long hair shawl, slender eyebrows,

The eyes are thin and flat, like &


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