Lost 01(1/10)

Lost 01

Lost 01

Searching for the poor and blind,

Running east and west, north and south,

Collect pollen to integrate honey,

Everything is hard and busy.

Detective Studio in Virtual Mixed Reality,

There is only one sign above the door, there is only one truth,

5 ping space,

There is only one transparent wooden desk and two wooden chairs,

Xiao Zhen sits behind the desk,

at this time,

A woman in clothes walks into the door,

166 cm,

long hair shawl,

melon face,

The facial muscles are smooth and firm,

The two eyebrows that grow above the Meisi eyes are very thin and the eyebrows are very narrow,

Clear and shiny eyebrow lines,

The round eyes are black and white, the eyes are clear and clear,

There is a small sesame under the eyebrows of the peach blossom,

The ears are large, thick and well-defined,

dangling meta


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