Lost 03(1/10)

Lost 03

Lost 03

Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent,

A fair lady, a gentleman is good,

The variegated yam, flowing from left to right,

My fair lady, I long for it,


Leisurely, tossing and turning,

Varied navy, pick them from left to right,

My Fair Lady, Qin Seyouzhi,

Staggered Nymphae, left and right stalks,

Fair and fair lady, bell and drum music.

A full moon slowly climbed up the starry sky of the imperial city,

white and big and bright,

week after week, day after day,

Appears lonely but is Yonghuan,

To pour out the brilliance of clear water on the vast land,

Little stars are flowing in the night like fireflies,

The red corridors are ruby tiles, the palace walls are deep,

Can't hide the soft and charming voice in the wing,

The lights are on,

A banquet was set up in the imperial garden to entertain the ministers of the DPRK and the dignitaries of various parties.

It seems that Ryan's eldest young mas


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