


22:30 pm,

Alien Community Venture Park "2 Ping C-50 Studio's exclusive live broadcast network",

Dugu Wanjin sat on the left side of the table,

Watch the exclusive live streaming network above the compartment panel on the right.

The three-dimensional screen around the street where the single-seat smart electric vehicle presses the road,

And the number of viewers is 3 digits,

for a while

Dugu daughter got up from the chair on the right side of the table and said: "Sister, I'm going to bed,

Dugu Wanjin nodded to Dugu Qianjin,

At this time,

The intelligent 3D stereo holographic image communicator on the left wrist of Dugu Wanjin,

Make a change of voice and say: You are solitary and full of gold,



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